The reason to select OPROARTS!
OPROARTS - Cloud reporting system offers high security, availability, integration method, delivery method with reporting service meet with customer's needs. Since introduction of OPROARTS in 2007, we had many satisfied customers. We would like to introduce some of OPROARTS feature which was a factor for customer to select OPROARTS as report generation solution.
Perfect security
Request to OPROARTS is done securely using Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Also requested data, generated data are not saved in OPROARTS server, therefore your confidential data will never leak to outside.
The data centre where OPROARTS runs are certified by ISO 27001 and information security control is done continuously. Also communication with Virtual Private Network (VPN) is available, which offer even more strict security and peace of mind for large establishment or financial related companies who require proper security.
Generated PDF is encrypted by password setting.
High availability
OPROARTS runs on both Biz hosting Enterprise Cloud (NTT Communications) and Amazon Web Services (, thus offers high availabilities. Even if data centre is down partially OPROARTS service will not get affected. It means no inconvenience will cause to customers. Also we have observation method of data centre 24 hours, 365 days, hence using OPROARTS is safe and trustable security.
Various integrations
OPROARTS can generate business document by sending HTTP request to service end point by using various parameters. We also have Java API which allow HTTP request easily. Further, by preparing customer's exclusive application on AFRO, OPROARTS Prime can be integrated with cloud services (, Microsoft, Oracle and Cybozu) which have API to integrate with external service.
Various delivery methods
With OPROARTS, you can download PDF file, direct print using our own XML format (OPR), and send by mail.
Further, with OPROARTS Prime, the generated document can be faxed, posted, printed in convenient store or integrated with external service.
Support complex report generation
Individual delivery of PDF to individuals, compress multiple PDF files and download, output unique graph, are not supported with OPROARTS, but OPROARTS Prime can achieve all these by executing process on AFRO.