
OPRO X Server is a high-performance report generation engines on-premise. In conjunction with DB data and CSV data, you can instantly create a large number of documents. By using the OPRO X Server Management Service, You can use the additional functions, such as history management and multi-server operations to withstand large-scale production.

OPRO X Server is core engine of our Cloud Reporting Service.

Please refer to the link below for more details.


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OPRO X Server

"OPRO X Server" is a high-performance report generation engines. You can instantly create a large number of documents.

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Integrate ERP and Report Template Seamlessly

"OPRO DB Bridge" incorporates ERP which manages report data and report template seamlessly.

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OPRO X Designer

"OPRO X Designer" is a software for creating design of business documents that can be drag-and-drop of the mouse. Based on the Template that was created, OPRO X Server performs report generation.

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OPRO X Browser

"OPRO X Browser" is the client software for editing, printing and display the original XML format. It is also possible to print directly without a preview.



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