OPROARTS Connector for Force.com

* 'OPROARTS Live for Force.com' and 'OPROARTS Live Connector' have been renamed to 'OPROARTS Connector for Force.com'.

What is OPROARTS Connector for Force.com?

OPROARTS Connector for Force.com is an optional service to connect to 'Sales Cloud/Service Cloud/Force.com'. User can design the report template and map the data from 'Sales Cloud/Service Cloud/Force.com' using OPROARTS Live on the Web. Every designing can be done by drag & drop, hence you do not need to develop or write difficult source code. As for report generation, user have a choice to select from OPROARTS Core or OPROARTS Prime.

  • Design Layout on the Browser
  • Various Functions
  • Easy Mapping

Design layout on the Browser

User can design with often used components for report such as Barcode, dotted Line and Rectangles with curved corner from the web browser. Each function (component) has a property sheet to decollate font and line thickness, color, select line or background color.


Various functions

Process and use data stored in Sales Cloud / Service Cloud / Force.com. Also Operators, Functions, Conditions, and Sorting methods will allow you to achieve all your requirements and needs.


Easy mapping of output data

You can map the selected objects and fields from Sales Cloud / Service Cloud / Force.com by just drag and drop. Also the Custom button to output the generated report, the source code is written automatically, hence all what you need to do is to place the button on appropriate place.


Bundle Report Engine 2

Customer who contracted OPROARTS Connector for Force.com has accessibility to Report Engine 2 without any charges. Report Engine 2 is a Salesforce native application which creates and output report document in PDF format using Visualforce function. Further, without Visualforce page and Apex code knowledge, input form can be created easily.

Details here



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