Salesforce Integrated Application

As for report PaaS which can integrate with various cloud services including Sales Cloud / Service Cloud /, please refer to 'Core', 'Live' and 'Prime' pages.

Sales Cloud / Service Cloud / are application platform provided by

It offers possibilities to construct variety of systems, and saved data can be accessed from anywhere. We have salesforce integrated applications which user can select from depending on requirements.

By using these applications, not only making design layout easy, but extended function such as mail attachment, faxing and posing can be utilized.


AppExchange Application

OPROARTS Connector for

OPROARTS Connector for is an optional service to connect to 'Sales Cloud/Service Cloud/'. User can design the report template and map the data from 'Sales Cloud/Service Cloud/' using OPROARTS Live on the Web.

OPROARTS Connector for



Salesforce Integrated Application

QB Option

QB Option (Quote/Billing Option) is an application to integrate with 'OPROARTS Prime'. The application is following standard of usual work and flow, therefore more you use, more real time information is saved. Naturally it offers the increase of work efficiency and win rate. It maximizes feature of Sales Cloud / Service Cloud /

QB Option


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